
Ramaswamy Doesn’t Understand What It Means to Be Cool
Whenever another person tells you something unsolicited that smells like a social code for cool, make it clear that you understood the code but hold it in contempt.

Luxon’s leadership crisis: Bayly’s resignation exposes PM’s weak hand
“People like a leader who says, ‘This is what I stand for.’”

Simeon Brown takes on media spin over health worker survey
98.5% of workers didn’t even bother responding.

Former FDA official exposes White House pressure to rush COVID vaccine approval
“If a politician wants to make a difficult decision, they should own it."

The fight for a knowledge-rich curriculum in New Zealand
The Decolonisation agenda has English in its crosshairs.

Luxon tells parents to ‘make a Marmite sandwich’ over school lunch complaints
Let them eat Marmite.

UN panics as Trump cuts off billions in US funding
“The US is under no obligation to fund globalism.”

The rise of Treaty ideology in NZ’s professional sectors
What do midwives, internet regulators, and pharmacists have in common?

Meth use in NZ hits record high, but Ōpōtiki bucks the trend
Meth use plummeted by 50% after police dismantled a Mongrel Mob drug ring.
How to Improve School Lunches
If the state must usurp parental duties and feed the nation’s children, it should at least try and retain an educational flavour. Below is a list of menu options that would be guaranteed to teach the kids something.

A Steadily Deranged World Makes Lushy a Malcontent
Dispatches from the edge of a temporarily unbalanced Aussie mind.
These Are Just Impossible Things
The collective memory of the average Kiwi voter warns them that although the promise of a good life for everybody sounds wonderful, the Greens would never entrust the ordinary people of New Zealand with the power to make it happen – and neither would their bosses.
This is Tougher on Crime
What is now a simple snatch and grab for crooks will soon make them fair game for any good man willing and able to do his duty. The risk will now be firmly on the side of organised criminals and petty thieves.
Change of Government Won’t Bring Government of Change
If you view the election as an opportunity for a change of direction, you’ll be incredibly disappointed, because both major parties are committed to continuing the big tax, spend and borrow policies that they’ve always done.
An Interview With a Drag Queen
That is highly offensive! I am NOT a paedophile! I’m a bisexual, gender-queer, foot-fetishist bondage master. You silly man!

Aus Politics: How We Vote and Who Will We Vote For?
A general election is due any time in Australia.
Making Sense of King Donald
Kings, dictators and populist presidents don’t look at the world that way.
Flawed Testing and Culling Drive Up Prices
The failure to contain “the virus” raises urgent questions about the effectiveness of current surveillance and response strategies.

Face of the Day
It is time for the prime minister to lead and uphold that there is one Treaty, one country and one citizenship.

The Problems With Wellington’s Water
A case study in infrastructure failure and incompetence.

The World Has Hurty Feelings
It is ironic to me that the only person striving for peace is heavily criticised for it outside of America. Ukrainians want peace, Russians want peace. The world wants peace. But the one man who is trying to achieve it is vilified for it.
The Demise of the Paris Agreement
Isn’t it time our coalition government put the national interest and wellbeing of New Zealanders first and opted out of Paris as well?
The Scientific Fallacy That Spawned the Absolutism
Science requires us to challenge received ‘truth’ and seek out better evidence. But that questioning challenges our baked-in respect for authority.

A Tale of Two Continental Tyrannies
Among the poor and lower middle class, they couldn’t really care about Covid tyranny. The rules imposed were simply seen as another government roadblock to them earning their daily wages. They mostly didn’t comply because they could not afford the finances, time, or mental capital.

We’re Sparking a the Conversation
The Rainbow Mafia is real. They doxx, threaten and get people fired for their beliefs.

Te Pāti Māori’s Gravy Train Exposed – And They’re Spitting Tacks
We are one people, one vote, one law and one flag.

Editors' Picks

How High Did the Grooming Cover Up Go?
UK PM implicated in Muslim child-rape gang scandal.

Most of the Covid Tyrants Are Gone, What Next?
Ardern, Biden and Trudeau are now gone. But where to from here?

Continued Contempt of Parliament from Te Pāti Māori
If they don’t like the institution of parliament and its standing orders, then they can always go back to the mat.