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How to Improve School Lunches

How to Improve School Lunches

If the state must usurp parental duties and feed the nation’s children, it should at least try and retain an educational flavour. Below is a list of menu options that would be guaranteed to teach the kids something.

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These Are Just Impossible Things

These Are Just Impossible Things

The collective memory of the average Kiwi voter warns them that although the promise of a good life for everybody sounds wonderful, the Greens would never entrust the ordinary people of New Zealand with the power to make it happen – and neither would their bosses.

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This is Tougher on Crime

This is Tougher on Crime

What is now a simple snatch and grab for crooks will soon make them fair game for any good man willing and able to do his duty. The risk will now be firmly on the side of organised criminals and petty thieves.

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The World Has Hurty Feelings

The World Has Hurty Feelings

It is ironic to me that the only person striving for peace is heavily criticised for it outside of America. Ukrainians want peace, Russians want peace. The world wants peace. But the one man who is trying to achieve it is vilified for it.

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A Tale of Two Continental Tyrannies

A Tale of Two Continental Tyrannies

Among the poor and lower middle class, they couldn’t really care about Covid tyranny. The rules imposed were simply seen as another government roadblock to them earning their daily wages. They mostly didn’t comply because they could not afford the finances, time, or mental capital.

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